Ready to get back in the game? We got you covered with important info about restoring an inactive or lapsed Ohio cosmetology license.
Checking Your License Status
Check out our article Checking Ohio Cosmetology License Status for step-by-step instructions on checking your Ohio cosmetology license status on Ohio’s eLicense system.
Difference Between Inactive and Lapsed Ohio Cosmetology Licenses
So you’ve heard the term “inactive” and “lapsed” before, but what’s really the difference?
- An “inactive” license is one that’s been placed in “escrow” and renewal fees are still being paid.
- A “lapsed” license is an inactive license but the renewal fees have NOT been kept up on.
We’re sure you already know this, but we got to say it anyways, you can’t perform services with an inactive or lapsed license.
So let’s get that license back in shape so you can get back to work!
Inactive Licenses (aka Escrow)
While your status is in “Inactive” status, you may not practice and you do not need to complete your continuing education requirements. However, you must complete your CE in order to move your license back to “Active” status.
According to the State Board’s website you need to reach out to them to start the process of putting your license back in “Active” status.
We recommend that you use the link above to reach out to the State Board for individualized instructions before doing anything further.
Lapsed Licenses (aka Amnesty)
A lapsed license is an inactive license where the renewal fee hasn’t been paid in two periods.
Like with an “inactive” license, State Board wants you to get in touch with them before attempting to complete any Ohio continuing education requirements (make sure you click the tab for Cosmetology on the State site, not barbers!).
Continuing Education for Inactive/Lapsed Ohio Cosmetology Licenses
The requirements to restore an inactive or lapsed license differ by person, so you really need to contact Ohio Cosmetology and Barber Board for your specific requirements.
But heads up, we did see this from the State Board when we last logged into the eLicense site:
When returning an INACTIVE/ESCROW license to an ACTIVE status, up to 24 hours of continuing education may be required based on the number of renewal periods the license has been classified as INACTIVE/ESCROW. When completing the number of continuing education hours to restore an INACTIVE license, the current CE hours requirement must be included in those hours.
1 – Renewal Period = 8 Hours
2 – Renewal Periods = 16 Hours
3 – Or More Renewal Periods = 24 Hours
We hope you consider us when it comes time to take your continuing education courses to restore your license. All of our courses can be counted towards license restoration.
Why take a QuickandEasyCE course?
- We make it QUICK – with instant course access and immediate CE reporting.
- We make it EASY – with unlimited quiz retakes and courses you can pause and resume.
- All with triple protection – certified courses sold through secure checkout with 100% guarantee.